Sasagawa Nagare in Murakami City, Niigata Prefecture, unfolds as a magnificent 11km (6.8-mile) stretch of coastline sculpted by the dynamic waves of the Japan Sea.

This remarkable shore presents a kaleidoscope of geological wonders: dramatic rock formations, pristine reefs, and mysterious sea caves. The crystalline blue skies and translucent waters beckon visitors year-round, from leisurely spring and autumn drives to summer swimming and winter wave-watching.

Sightseeing vessels glide past mesmerizing natural sculptures, including the iconic Megane-iwa (Spectacles Rock, named for its resemblance to a pair of glasses) and Kyoryu-iwa (Dinosaur Rock, shaped like a dinosaur’s head).. As twilight approaches, sunset cruises unveil a romantic panorama, transforming this coastal gem into an enchanting seascape.

Getting there: Along National Route 345, about 30 minutes from Murakami City. Parking available.

Photographed: Early August 2019, 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM

Temperature: 30°C (86°F)

Text/Kenji Sakamoto
Photo/Kenji Sakamoto